To all our Friends and Benefactors: 

This year is our 11th year of existence, and we are proud to report that Tepoz Rosa continues from strength to strength, growing and developing in all areas thanks to the support and encouragement we have received from you. 

The latest services we have added to the existing ones of breast and cervical cancer screenings that we otfer to our local community, are ultrasound testings, an important adjunct for early detection in women under the age of 40 and as help in detecting anomalies that could potentially lead to ovarian cancer. This in addition to a series of free blood tests considered a useful support to the early detection screenings. It is important to point out that while these services are theoretically available through the public health system, they come at a cost that is often prohibitive for rural women (such as those in Tepoztlan) and results can be extremely tardy in reaching the patient. For our local community, these services come as a godsend and are possible thanks to Tepoz Rosa´s alliance with Amistad Canadá and the generosity of so many donors throughout Canada as well as from important Mexican corporate sponsorship that we receive from GNP Seguros and Fundación Televisa, amongst others. 

Many of these donations also come through the support of fundraising events that our small but amazing team of volunteers arrange. These events range from wonderful, illustrated talks, concerts, and culinary tributes, amongst others, as well as the sale of Tepoz Rosa´s now famous bilingual Recipe Calendar, eagerly awaited each year. The fundraisers take place throughout the year in local venues in Mexico and in a variety of locations in Ontario, Canada. Without this amazing teamwork, dedication and donor generosity Tepoz Rosa´s unique and vital services for the community would cease to exist. 

Perhaps one of the most important of these services is the crucial support Tepoz Rosa´s provides for the local women who are diagnosed “positive” from one or other of the cancer screenings. Apart from the emotional impact of such a diagnosis, the treatments required involve many expenses such as transportation, medication and out-of-town stays (during radiation) and the patients’ families are unable to cover these costs, and she herself usually ceases to be able to earn any income. In this long and arduous journey, Tepoz Rosa otfers these patients guidance, therapeutic and financial support, ensuring that no woman feel alone or overwhelmed by the circumstances. To guarantee the necessary resources, we have recently established a special Patient Support Fund. Currently four patients are on this journey and our commitment is to help them throughout. If you would like to participate in this special fund, please visit our webpage ( ), go to “donate” and through PayPal your contribution will be received. These four “warriors” will be eternally  grateful for your generosity! 

For further information or to make a donation, please contact us:

To make a donation:

And for all Canadian donors wishing to receive tax deductible receipts, please go to our partners and press “Donate now”.

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